# Users


# Enable signups

Toggles the ability to signup to your website.

Value Effect
Enabled Enable users to signup
Disabled Disable users signup

# Enable user content delete

Toggles the ability of own content deletion for users.

Value Effect
Enabled Enable users to delete their own content
Disabled Disable users from deleting their own content

# Minimum age required

Determines the minimum age required to use your website.

Type Recommended
Integer 13

# Notify on user signup

Toggles sending of an email notification when a new user sign up.

Value Effect
Enabled Notify on new user signup
Disabled Don't notify on new user signup

# Require email confirmation

Toggles the requirement of confirming the email address on signup.

Value Effect
Enabled Require to confirm singup email address
Disabled Don't require to confirm signup email address

# Require email for social signup

Toggles the requirement of an email address when user signup using a social network.

Value Effect
Enabled Require an email address when using social network signup
Disabled Don't require an email address when using social network signup

# User avatar max. filesize (MB)

Determines the maximum allowed file size for user avatars.

Type Recommended
Integer 1

# User background max. filesize (MB)

Determines the maximum allowed file size for the user backgrounds.

Type Recommended
Integer 2